Monday, June 30, 2008

The week in review....

Not much stitching this week, as life was busy and I was lazy! I visited my DD # 1 in Ocean City MD, where she lives and works as a music teacher. It was nice to get away. I actually slept around 12 hours each day. I must either have needed it or just plain lazy! Geez....Up by 7:30 down by 9:00 am! I am getting as bad as the dogs!
A little beach time, pool time and crab cakes. But not much stitching.....

I worked about an hour on the quaker garden by Blackbird Designs, about an hour on Deborah Cockin, and about an hour on Faith Hope and Charity. after a little more work, I will take a picture or two to let you in on the progress.

Back to work tomorrow. Anyone else hating their job too? I have worked 30 years, and I guess my body is saying, "would you retire already??". I just want to be "done".

A couple of dr. appointments, which were just those pesky things you do after 50. The pulmonologist still hasn't bothered to talk to me about my sleep study, nor do I have the CPAP yet. Obviously, he wants to retire too.

Off to stitch.....TTFN.


mainely stitching said...

Retire? Yeah, count me in! I don't hate my (paying) job, but it sure doesn't light a fire in me. I've only been doing the same thing for 10 years, so I really don't have the right to complain.

Those 12-hour sleeping binges sound great. I'm envious!

Carol R said...

I retired at the end of last year and I love it! But I got called in to help over vacation time for the next couple of weeks - work mean cash, cash means stash LOL