Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ordinary Me: N

Needlework: I am an avid cross stitcher of samplers, a rug hooker, and a quilter. I can't imagine my life without some form of needlework. It amazes me that people see my work and comment that they could never do it. And I don't understand how they couldn't!

I can't remember a time when I wasn't involved in some sort of needlework, started at the age of seven. My grandmother was hounded by a seven year old to buy her a tea towel and embroidery floss. My mother barely could hem a skirt, while my grandmother crocheted, sewed and did embroidery. She understood my compulsion! I finally beat her down and she bought me my first project at our local "five and dime". Remember the old creaky wooden floors?? Remember those long aisles of assortments of "housedresses" and underwear? The sewing section had material already cut for the ladies coming in to buy "calico" for quilts. The tea towel was finished that summer under my grandmother's house. Showing her the finished product, I was so proud. Little did I know that you were supposed to only use two strands of floss.....and you weren't supposed to use knots! Bless her for not humiliating me and telling me that wasn't a possibility. I still have that tea towel stuffed in the back of my linen closet. I have come quite a long way.

1 comment:

mainely stitching said...

Oh, I love your description of the old Five and Dime stores. I miss those!!

I'm glad you could share your love of needlework with your grandmother. That's so special!